My aim is to make your learning experience productive, successful and enjoyable! I believe in being truthful but you are not here to be judged - just encouraged. Your singing journey is your own and I am here to guide you towards your goals and provide you with some more.

What my Students Say:

"Thank you for being such a great teacher. I have improved so much and am so grateful for all your help with auditions and just generally improving vocal control and ability. I finally got into chamber choir thanks to you"  - Athena 16yrs


"I have been doing singing lessons with Ms Longo for over five years and have learnt so much from her. My voice has improved and matured under her guidance. She provides detailed notes after every lesson which are so helpful in practising throughout the week. When I started lessons with her in year six I was nervous and didn’t feel comfortable singing in front of people. She created a space in which I felt safe and supported because she is kind and encouraging. I would thoroughly recommend her as a teacher". - Georgia 16yrs 



"Dear Ms Longo, Thank you so much for everything this year – Georgie loves her lessons with you and is learning so much" Kate – Parent


"Maureen has taught my daughter Athena for about 5 years now. We’ve really noticed the improvement in the tone and control of her voice over that period. Maureen uses a combination of vocal exercises and repertoire selected with Athena, providing an encouraging approach for both the enjoyment and technical development of her voice. Maureen is very approachable. She has developed Athena's ability and confidence to perform with a number of vocal groups at her school, as well as several other solo performance opportunities that celebrate her newfound capability." Angelo 


"Thank you so much for all of your help with everything. You are always incredibly kind and supportive. I have really enjoyed singing lessons this year." - Lily yr10.



'Maureen has been my vocal coach since starting at AMPA, and has helped me on this big whirlwind of a journey, trying to find my voice. I can now take what I’ve learnt and apply it to my performance and my profession. I really could not have had a sweeter, nicer, funnier, more helpful teacher than Maureen. Even when I was bad and didn’t do my exercises, I was treated with love and respect. Thank you so much Maureen." - Johnny 19yrs